Monday 15 March 2010

Economic situation in Haiti

I have listened podcast “Business Daily: Haiti`s Economy”, broadcasted on 19 February 2010

This podcast is about an economic situation in Haiti after the earthquake. I had some trouble understanding some of the words and phrases while listening. So, I needed to listen to podcast not once. The rate of podcast presenter `s speech was not too fast, but still it was difficult to catch the meanings of some phrases. The hardest part is when there are some annoying voices on the background of the podcast.

Now, let me tell about the main idea of the podcast. Haiti. This is the report from the capital of Haiti -Port au Prince. We all understand the difficulty of the situation in Haiti. It is about a month passed after the earthquake happened and the main struggle for all the people is to get a cash to help themselves. The number of the dead people is estimated to be over 200 thousand people. Most of the country is now ruins and most of the people have lost everything in those ruins. Now people clear up the ruins for 5 US dollars per day, but still there is not enough work for all who need it.

This podcast was pretty hard to understand, but still I have heard a lot of words I have known from my English lessons. I think this podcast helped me to realize how well I’m ready for an exam.

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